Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Strategic Blunder: What Pursuit of Leadership or Management Quality Candidates Commonly Mistaken As A Strategy?

And How Some Local Officials in the Philippines Fail to Strike A Good Balance Between Fuctioning as A Chief Executive, A Patron & A Leader

It Pays (Sometimes Enormously) to Seek Non-Group Thinkers (Who Aren't Easy to Find)

Previous entries

Interception of Bulk Data: "I'm An American & I  Trust My Gov't More Than I Trust Terror (& Crime) Groups & Leaders of Hostile Nations Who Can Gain Access Even to My Bedroom Secrets"

It Took A Revolution for Our First Lady President to Emerge (& Another for the Next One) PLUS Other Lessons from An Unlikely Source of Some Unique Insights (the Philippine Elections)

(this page's article for uploading soon, we have an 11to13-inch stack of documents to work on now)


In our other blog Save1Life.stop-that-corrupt-act.blogspot.com

Ravenous Greed of Some Officials & A Million Children Who Go to Bed Hungry Everynight

From our Facebook entry: What sets us apart?
Treasonous? Maybe. When our national interests (even single corrupt act or abuse of power which consequences disproportionately impact millions of poor families) are compromised

Please click the photo to the left to read the entry or to browse the other blog

We are not yet making active efforts to promote our blogs and major causes up until now. But we will unless we get totally muzzled or...

We have many potentially useful graphics-entries in our Facebook accounts: Ernest Barraquias Jr & Rian Igos

Our Facebook entries of potential interest to you
Rian Igos  or  Ernest Barraquias Jr

Our advocacy sometimes safely tucked inside other topics in instances or times for example that it might invite immediate dangers to our lives and we're vulnerable for the time being 

Please click left photo to see the Facebook page or:


We can't just pick sentiments from among the American people or sectors in the American society. Our situation is distinct, as our democracy. What might no longer work for the US or for the Americans, or at least what should be refined or enhanced - in our case we're supposed to strengthen our basic foundations yet

There are many more in our Facebook accounts, for example, as to our aversion to even ideas of a power grab:

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Interception of Bulk Data: "I'm An American & I Trust My Gov't More Than I Trust Terror (& Crime) Groups & Leaders of Hostile Nations Who Can Gain Access Even to My Bedroom Secrets"

We need to give consent, however uncomfortably (& hesitantly), to those who labor to secure us, our dogs, our community and our country - the borderless online world is a space in which planning, collaboration and execution of plots to mass murder people are carried out. Right now, imagine the number of entities trying to pry open our secured storage of our most private data.

Not the Weapons (Data) But The Intentions - & Entrenched Social, Institutional & Legal Constraints

No conscience and no institutional, constitutional and civil society constrain the worst of criminals and state enemies who never sleep trying figure out how to destroy what we build, what each of us built. They work hard, and relentlessly to deprive us of the freedom by all means destructive.

What we value, what sacrificed to gain, they seek to undermine. Moreover, what power very bad criminals and rogue leaders have in their hands that we can't entrust to our government we can reject come next election cycle?

Next entry

Strategic Blunder: What Pursuit of A Leadership or Management Quality Candidates Commonly Mistaken As A Strategy?

Earlier entry

It Took A Revolution for Our First Lady President to Emerge (& Another for the Next One) PLUS Other Lessons from An Unlikely Source of Some Unique Insights (the Philippine Elections)