Tuesday, May 5, 2015

When Lives Are At Stake: Crucial Judgments & Decisions in Handling Crisis Situations (What's Lacking Among Some Philippine Disaster Response Managers)

Crisis managers get all the support, trainings and equipment to prepare them to handle emergency situations, like in the case of disaster response and rescue operations. Many become like what members of Police-SWAT Teams are: highly skilled with all kinds of credentials to deal with special situations.


The other blog entry
Insurgency, Crimes and the Most Brutal Inequality in SEAsia 
(One of the Worst in the World)

What the .005% of super wealthy & the super powerful individuals (& their families) controlling the fate of the Philippines can do to help the country achieve long-term social stability & prosperity at the same time secure their long-term self-interests?

To come...
What Valuable Insights the US 2016 Presidential Candidates Can Gain from Philippine Elections?
(Madam Clinton: It Took an Assasination & A Revolution for Our First Lady President to Emerge and Another Revolution for Another to Rise to Power)


But then all sorts of mistakes (not a few can be stupid ones) and all kinds of failures, even tragedies (worse than what an operation intended to remedy for example) can result from some special operations carried out by these high-trained managers & operatives. Why?
Among a myriad of factors within and beyond the controls or knowledge of us human beings, there are a few simple ones: like trainers failing to inculcate the right mindsets, values and sense of purpose among these managers and operatives.

One may know exactly what to do and how to do it, but when confronted with a life and death situation for example, decisions hinged heavily on one's mindsets more than one's abilities and the operation's objectives and mission. I'll give a few examples... (the rest of the article not yet uploaded due to sensitivity of or controversy about some of the examples and we have yet to decide on what to publish)

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