Wednesday, July 26, 2017

One Belt and One Road Initiative of the Communist Party of China (CPP), An Epic Quest to Capture Dominant Geopolitical Power - to Lead to China Achieving Its Strategic Political & Military Goals OR Result to Epic Failure and Disastrous Financial Mess for Some Poor Countries? (Draft ... leisurely typed during a lazy afternoon) 
  >>> (new blog for vetted readers)

(This is from our May 14, 2017 Facebook post, the rest of photos / graphics from our old Facebook posts)
What is this initiative? It's a very ambitious dream of the top officials of the Communist Party of China (CPP), rather vague in its overall goals, to build a series of linked massive logistical infrastructures to more efficiently facilitate transport of goods & people mainly across the vast EurAsian continent.

In reality, it aims to serve the economic & geopolitical objectives & goals of the CPP in the next few decades that includes undermining the national interests of mostly 3rd World & mid-income countries by first dominating their economies & making them much more or overwhelmingly dependent to China for trade and manufactured goods (fake and genuine ones). It is present China's grand & crass attempt to not just match but surpass the US as the region's, & the world's pre-eminent superpower.



       A new article about the Philippines

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       A site about our life stories...


The goals of the CPP initiative also include weakening the economic then political ties between the participating countries & the West, easier access to new markets where China can dump its surplus products and even billions of dollars worth of counterfeit & imitation products that now flood markets in the Philippines. Not the least, literally pave the way for China to make inroads to geographically strategic spots, gaining controls of many of it and that can help accomplish its goals of expanding its capability to project military power in the future.

Ultimately, it is the CPP's attempt to buy its way to indispensability among the governments of the participating countries, gaining global blanket impunity in anything, including in the advancement of the vested & selfish interests of its many corrupt billionaire members, & CPP's nationalistic goals (that includes hegemony in the South China Sea & Western Pacific).

Do we buy the idea? There are hundreds of cultures, dozens of governments (from sectarian to communist ones), a myriad of internal & regional conflicts within nations & sub-regions of Asia & the MidEast. A few countries have populations & governments with entrenched zero-sum & MAD thinking against their neighbor countries. There is a universe of potential triggers for conflicts & wars between many countries & population groups within nations. Once China pushes for its imagined and expected benefits, economic and then political, the whole Road & Belt idea collapses.

Hundreds of millions of people from China to the MidEast simply want to leave their home countries & permanently move to Europe, North America & the rest of the West. Meaning, that whatever their governments & public officials do they have lost trust in them, & barely harbor any hopes for a better future for themselves & their families (including at least tens of millions of mainland Chinese).

The CPP's initiative, the programs & projects, can crumble in its own massive weight, political complications & costs - especially social costs. Or the CPP's dream come true, neat & beautiful. But as a long-time student of business, life & governance, and & an experienced founder of (little) things, Murphy's Law is something to keep in mind in an ambition to try to re-arrange the present universe.

Sometimes, the status quo, shaped by a myriad of natural & other forces, is after all the most ideal & better scenario or at least the only viable or sustainable one. & really, sensible & experienced real-world private-sector actors don't easily & excitedly bet on anything no one completely understands after all, except the nationalistic leaders of the Communist Party of China.

Friday, February 17, 2017

What Prize, or of What Value Are Some Bits of Information? Why Someone Wanted to Destroy & Kill Us for These? His Other Motives?

(PLUS Some Thoughts on Why Many of the Malignant Problems That Plague the Philippine Society Persist)

     There is no expedient to which a man will not
     resort to avoid the real labor of thinking.
                                                 Sir Joshua Reynolds

Can a tiny bit of a very critically-important info acquired from some trash, be incomparably far more valuable than a similar one acquired through an elaborate, secretive, costly, risky and sophisticated scheme? Yes, of course. Two more very critically-important questions: Can data and information providers imperceptibly influence how raw data and facts are processed & used and can analysts introduce imperceptible nuances in their reports to subtly manipulate how their intended end-users think, make decisions and act or react? Of course. (This post was hurriedly typed. Our minds still reeling from the shock, the terror that we endured more than 2 weeks ago. I'm not sure when I can go back to this post, to edit and elaborate on what we really want to say.)
It’s always present, the personal biases, the traces of religious, political and ideological leanings of information / intelligence analysts. One can’t reasonably expect that the reports they make and submit

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are completely sanitized from the macro and micro levels of the contextual environments and personal backgrounds that shaped their mindsets and their thinking. Thus, it is essential to establish the extent an end-user can be misled, misinformed and under-informed that can lead him to misjudge and miscalculate matters of interests and

Interception of Bulk Data: "I'm An American & I  Trust My Gov't More Than I Trust Terror (& Crime) Groups & Leaders of Hostile Nations Who Can Gain Access Even to My Bedroom Secrets"

bases of decisions and actions, that in turn can cause the unexpected failures of otherwise perfect executions of a perfect plan. In short & simple terms: the perfect execution of a perfect plan to accomplish the wrong and or unnecessary operation.

We Watch the Field But They're Already In PLUS Don't Break the Rules - Change the Rules (Undermine Policies and Legislation)

The same serious and long-term problems that plague the Philippine society ail most other societies, including the relatively corruption-free advanced Western ones. But, whereas there are traces of corrupt practices in, say, Germany or Canada, in the Philippines and China corruption is in massive scales, severe in gravity and systemic - deeply and very broadly rooted in all of the society encompassing cultural, political, socio-economic and

In our other blog
Ravenous Greed of Some Officials & A Million Children Who Go to Bed Hungry...

geographical divides and across public and private institutions (yes, including many of the churches or religious groups, non-government organizations, cause-oriented and charity groups). Between the 2 extremes – from the least corrupt societies and the most corrupt