Sunday, August 2, 2015

We Watch the Field But They're Alreay In PLUS Don't Break the Rules - Change the Rules (Undermine Policies & Legislations)

Yes: Engagement, Not Alienation (this post for editing)
Breakthrough Success by President Obama & His Team:
To Avert Loss of Many American, Jewish & Iranian Lives
Note >>> The main title above (We Watch the Field...) is about another post & NOT this one

As US agencies work to save & rebuild many Filipino lives – treasonous greed makes as many lives at risk?
If there emerged an assumption of bad faith based on sinister motives on the party you wish to settle critical issues and negotiate with, you don’t go ahead sit on the table. The spirit of mutual distrust and long-standing hostilities between 2 parties can’t be solved with a diplomatic dance of deception in the case of opposing parties. However, what breaks a deadlock in high-stakes situations that needs rocked or eased? What softens a party’s rock-solid position totally unacceptable to the other? Or who can soften it?

President Obama’s impassioned desire to help solve some of the world’s problems “to make the world just a little better” doesn’t make his creative approaches any less objective, we think. There’s wisdom in Lincoln’s words: “The best way to defeat an enemy is to make a friend of him.” Or let’s put it this way: The best way to make an ever bigger monster of a monstrous enemy is to pose as greater as ever threat to his very existence, at least to the latter’s thinking.

Extremely complex dilemmas require, sometimes, basically, simple solutions. Like, instead of asking what or who solves a problem, or how, what about incorporating time-element? I mean, paying greater weight to it for the time-being. Positions, emotions, public opinions & moods, material and spiritual contexts aren’t static. It all changes, it all moves over time. Iran today is not Iran 10 years from now.
The forgiving mood and extremely restrained United States (& other powers) for some troublemakers of the world can all of the sudden reverse to an absolute resolution to tackle the snake right in its head at once (as some ripple effects always end up in American shores, in its society). You pose arrogant threats to its citizens or to its legitimate interests, your sinister secrets can be bared to all: You’re a corrupt “master-of-a-hair-raising-fungal-itch” thief of your people’s future. (That’s just one of the non-violent means.) You arrogantly use government powers to suppress individual rights…

The existential threats to Israel are crystal clear and ever present, and this reality is present in the psyches of every Israeli, even the Muslim ones, every day. But what about the Iranians? I’m not sure of this, but perhaps majority of them were made to believe that the mightiest nation ever (in terms of relative firepower, at least) in the history of the world is out to frustrate even the most legitimate & peaceful of aspirations of the Iranian people, or the Muslims. Or that at least it tacitly supports another nation that the Iranians were made to believe is an archenemy.

What can get to change the thinking of both the Iranians and the Israelis? Or who? The aliens, from a planet far far away in the deep space not ever theorize or suspected to exist by any astrophysicist from Oxford or psychic from the University of Hula-hula. These aliens set out to make the Earth-ans surrender to their direct authorities, by demonstrating their superior powers as they make a dustbowl of all the cities of Iran and Israel, and all the countries and entities in-between. I can’t make details, I’m not a good storyteller or fortuneteller.

Reality: The Common Existential Threats to Both the Iranians, the Israelis & All in the Middle East

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." – Einstein

Eureka! The kind of thinking that led to the present hell of a mess in many parts of the Middle East and that to a lesser extent that gave rise to the ISIS. Zero-sum thinking: “I win you lose,” “Winner takes all,” and “Loser cease to exist or totally destroyed.” Results include: The highest per capita arms and weapons proliferation in one of the least dense regions of the world. China, Japan, the Philippines, all of Southeast Asia plus all peoples between it and India (region with many of the most densely populated nations on Earth) don’t have as many citizens who possess deadly weapons that already killed someone.

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Ernest Barraquias Jr
Rian Igos

When two persons develop so intense hatred against each other, it’s not far-fetched for the two to work like hell to burn each other’s house, and destroy everything, and, and, and everyone in it. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) thinking that once led to a crazy arms race but which decades later brought realizations to all parties the very folly of what it led to: Irrelevant to the causes, the ideologies, the pride, the survival instincts, the great aspirations, the continued enjoyment of the way of life and freedom accustomed to and fought to preserve – a simple technical glitch, a false alarm of an atomic bomb-armed missile being  launched signaling the end of humanity as we know it, end of civilization on Earth.

In the Middle East, an atom bomb-level of explosive mix of MAD & blind hatred water the roots of mayhem in many places and the contemplation to dash to nuclear-arms capability among a few financially-capable nations. Of course, ethnic strife, religious intolerance, extremism, social problems and large populations of young people with volatile moods (so many with nothing to do) are into the mix.

Forget Climate Change in that scenario, for thousands of years the Earth will be uninhabitable by intelligent life. No more cute dogs, and non-cute masters. No more sweet oranges and sweeter gossips between neighbors. No more teachings of heaven and frightening hell by some religions. No more soothing scent of a baby & public officials stealing funds for social services intended to benefit infants. No more sight of flowers. No more claims of rights violated, and claims of righteousness from among the local public officials in the Philippines during election campaign seasons. No more friends you love to hate and envy. We all perished. Because no one intervened.

The United States, it’s history-making and breaking (of bad history in the making) President, re-thought it all. It revisited its past approaches. The thinking behind the approaches. The thinking beyond the consciousness of the movers, makers and breakers. It sought to see things in a new or brighter light or blighted world of some regions in the Middle East and elsewhere.

President Obama is an excellent product of Harvard University, where the Negotiation Project was conceived and nurtured.   He has a more unconventional background than most of the US presidents in memory. He was the first presidential candidate who involved just about everyone, and tried to reach the rest by all means (his bigger scale Internet campaign than of Dean’s).

Breakthrough Success by President Obama for the People of Israel and Iran, & us all
The latest breakthrough success of President Obama and his team in opening the way for Iran to the world’s mainstream social circle of free and near-free nations prevented, perhaps, airstrikes by Israel to Iran’s nuclear weapon development facilities that should have destroyed the suspected facilities, but gave rise to a far greater (and more intense) resolve of the Iranian people to fast-track the production of its first batch of nuclear weapons. Delaying the inevitable by a few years, and accelerating it shortly after. Sunni Saudi Arabia followed suit. Hell thereafter.

What or who stops them then? Short of a civilization-ending nuclear war? Or short of western powers taking impossible control of all these nuclear-armed nations as they begin to aim atomic bombs to each other?

President Obama’s achievement is historical. More than Nixon’s first visit to China, maybe. Effective long-term solutions sometimes don’t make everyone happy. Human brain craves for instant solutions that deliver instant gratifications, even when it’s an existential threat to itself: a public official in the Philippines ordering the murder of his political opponent or rival for an elective post. No outside or external forces interventions, no end to a series of senseless killings. No change in thinking, no end to a culture of violence.

Can’t Iran and Israel, and the rest of the Arab World, co-exist in peace and harmony? Impossible now? Bring in the aliens I earlier mentioned. But no, President Obama’s lead made the relevant seeds for a change in the Middle East to take roots. He had access to far more information the rest of the world don’t have to have seen the wisdom of the breakthrough achievement set to begin to socially engage Iran in the greater community of nations.

Iran will make good, or its international political capital dissipates. It once made a pariah of its Shah, it can’t make itself a vulnerable pariah in the mainstream community of nations otherwise.

Meanwhile, China’s existential threats (as perceived by many) to the Philippines can finally be the very unifying cause among Filipinos that I desire to come about to solve our country’s still-severe corruption. (Filipinos sometimes try to imagine a war with China that we lose even before the war begins, how’s that?)

We can’t put up any credible (show of) defense without strong leadership with high level of credibility to make it all happen. President Obama’s initiated Iran Deal spared American, Iranian and Jewish (and Israeli ones both Christians and Muslims) lives as it prevented the only alternative: strong military actions or military strikes by Israel that unravel a colossal mayhem.

America’s help to strengthen the backbone of our society by helping minimize corruption (to foster an environment conducive to faster progress and national development) and strengthening our military capability will help prevent many lives lost due to its deterrent effects in the potential for China’s naval forces to get into the habit of sweeping, crushing or sinking the other "ants" in its source of seafoods (and gas and oil and all) security.

Sometimes my mind go too far. One way it copes with the problems that you face when you go against monstrous realities in our society, those that majority of us got used to shrugging off even overlook or deliberately not see (if there’s such a thing or mental attitude) even it causes so many lives to unnecessarily perish.

"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: Am I, or the others, crazy?" – Einstein.

We have chosen President Obama as our D1srupter of the Season but in fact every one of his decisions and wisdom, even simple statement, can be positively d1srupt1ve. He is our first ever declared D1sruptr. President Aqu1no most likely will be our 2nd one next quarter or defined season. A Saudi prince is on the line, maybe even the Iran Nuclear Deal negotiators too. Pope Francis, of course. Another Philippine key official is being considered.

Majority of the simple, common folks in the Middle East, we bet our necks on this, wish more water security and rains than their nation becoming ever more capable to rain missiles on their archenemies’, their neighbors they peacefully co-existed for thousands of years. In contrast, in the Philippines, China’s offers of peaceful dialogues seem more like a protection of its fish-full claimed waters in the South China Sea against international criticisms and eventual loud outcry.

I wrote this piece as some diversion from work on an important report Rian and I are under time-pressure to complete. A good and kind client lost patience, though the value of our output didn’t due to the delays. Sigh… Doing honest work without the basic tools readily available is doing it the very hard way. It stemmed from an incident when a group of officials victimized us to protect the interests of their big-time bosses. They stole everything from us. Rian and I wish only for simple lives but we have to bear with our situations at this time.


Transcript of the Texts in the Photo-graphic

Adults, of all health conditions, perhaps rarely lose their cravings - we think none of us completely outgrow our urge for indulgences
Our souls, our minds, need a constant dose of this & that: hugs,kisses, affection, recognition, appreciation & little rewards
Being a US soldier in this age might have become akin to being an impersonal part in a complex machine doing routine tasks - perhaps for some, we surmise
How can we help bring back/add to the sense of pride, the sense ofbeing appreciated, of performing noble tasks, of having done something good or a life-saving act for someone or a thousand people? How can we remind the veteransthat we are forever grateful to them? That we all feel pain when they try to end their own lives?
We will make a try. // Milk may not be as desired by some kids, but it's good for them. So are chocolates & candies that were part of our lives. How do we emulate the effects these had in our growth, learning, zest & inspiration to live?
The web is ubiquitous, indeed, but only in advanced countries. This innov of Google is exciting. Popping info or data on demand - as desired, needed, as a solution suggested or for presenting of better alternatives - is no question, revolutionary, & life-saving
Our questions include: Hundreds of millions of people don't have consistent access to electricity. More than a hundred million families around the world don't have any access to the web. In terms of who can benefit the most to access to life-saving expert info, the hundred million families who need  it the most, who are exposed to far greater risks, threats, health risks, who bear the greatest impact of global warming & high inflation - how are they to benefit from what's available so far?
We intend to resume work on a Save1Lyf app project I begun to work on 3 yrs ago. We'll begin soon...
President Obama & the Nego Team - Our first D1srupter of the Season
For working on & defending the impossible now landmark Iran Deal
The three phrases:
Pain reliever for headache – but ignore a NEW creeping cancer? New boost to the termites of the fabric of the Philippine society & democracy
As US agencies work to save & rebuild so many Filipino lives – treasonous greed makes as many lives ever more at risk?
Not Just What You See They Do Out There – It’s What They Do IN Here Right Now

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