US President Barack H. Obama: The Super D1sruptr

Thinking, Deciding and Acting Beyond Expediency: 
Historic President Decisively Ending Recent History's Volatile Stalemates
(This is for editing - article is like a 1st draft carelessly composed - because it is)

Supporting article: The Depth & Breadth of a Relatively Young Obama's Wisdom on Iran Deal

Please click here for the supporting article: Young Obama's Exceptional Wisdom & Objectivity
Even when faced with high-stakes, high-consequence potential or likely scenarios that might result from a status quo or an emerging reality, it seems so many government officials, leaders and top civil society figures derive more contentment and delight in engaging only in endless public debates and discourses about issues more than in laboring to to begin to put closure or resolution to it all.
In the case of Iran being suspected of stealthily working to develop nuclear weapons, many suggestions and prescriptions are about burning the house. But doing so is planting the roots of even longer-term mayhem in the Middle East, perhaps of colossal scale even in the standards of or present realities in parts of the Middle East. On the other hand, not acting or not disrupting the status quo, argues many, will lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, spreading to other parts of the world. A race towards the annihilation of each other, and our very civilization, perhaps, as we know it. World Wars I & II erupted from what seemingly inconsequential local or regional events.
President Obama's holistic, innovative (disruptive) thinking was required for the idea for a historic Iran Nuclear Deal to emerge and become a reality. Yesterday’s elusive dream, a solution that recently relieved so many in the Middle East. Forget the politicians, mind the millions of poor families to bear the good or bad consequences of any decisions. The great majority of them just want to see the violent conflicts stop.

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Rather than thinking of a series of surprise bombing strikes from Israel plunging Iran to a full scale or protracted long-term war, rather than fearing conventional or so missiles intermittently penetrating the missile shield of Israel and destroying the order in a nation that is world's center of innovation and advance medical research too, the mothers and young people and children in both countries are now more at ease with focusing more on achieving their personal and family goals and aspirations.

Dennis Ross and Gen. David Petraeus

"...what matters even more is that the Iranians recognize that they will pay a meaningful price when we catch them. In other words, deterrence is the key to ensuring not just that the Iranians live up to the agreement but also to preventing them from developing nuclear weapons.”

"Bolstering deterrence is essential in addressing key vulnerabilities we see in the deal. A blunter statement on the consequences of Iran moving toward a weapon and of producing highly enriched uranium would allay some of our concerns."

United States Secretary of State John F. Kerry

"...the expectations are written because we didn't want anything based on trust or based on hope. This agreement is very specific in what it requires people to do."

"...we will hold them accountable to this agreement, and if they break it or in any way give us pause to think that they are pursuing a nuclear weapon, we have every option available to us then that we have today. "
(Emphasis ours)
(Interestingly, Richard John Kerry, his father, was one of the first of those who raised an issue of a relevant concern long before a single nuclear reactor, for any use, was ever assembled anywhere in the Middle East. He was an American Service Officer and lawyer.  


President Obama is not keen on sounding like some typical populist leader, he in fact also fairly cares about the industrial and big business establishments as part of the backbones of the American economic might and prosperity. Yet he greatly expanded the welfare benefits and public health care coverage in the US to near the standards of the manageable Scandinavian countries.

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Ernest Barraquias Jr
Rian Igos
He reigned-in on the relatively little-checked powers and privileges of Wall Street to protect the interests of the general American public and the US economy, yet advances and defends the Trans-Pacific Trade idea that should benefit big business big-time too, as much as so many consumers and ordinary Americans who are to gain in employment and cheaper staple goods.
He saw a Cuba that in a generation just might embrace the ideals and principles of democracy, one that might rush to build-up the foundations for a freer and more prosperous society, finding itself the close friend that after all it should be with its close neighbor - something more than worth normalizing its relations with Cuba with.
He shied from issuing inflammatory or fiery statements about China's on-going massive build up (of artificial islands and future unsinkable super aircraft carriers that these will also serve as) in effect not giving motivations to the claimants to disputed territories into aggressive hostile acts - yet during his administration the "pivot to Asia" drive he initiated will see, in the next few years, 60% of the mighty US Navy war systems being re-positioned in the Pacific.
After Supertyphoon Haiyan that devastated vast areas in Central Philippines and killing thousands, many more thousands of survivors faced death staring at them as the Aquino administration inherited a dire-poor infrastructure and initially unable to act and cope up - and the American President ordered mobilization of a war machinery to help save thousands of lives including those of the many severely corrupt local officials and civil society big-shots in the area.
History is what we make it. If we all blindly march or think along with the rest, we can't expect anything in this world to positively change. When problems and challenges for human beings are of more than epic proportion, we need more than epic heroes. President Obama rose to the challenges humanity (environmental and all) have been hopelessly dealing with, he probably thought its all overwhelming, and so he begun to think and act decisively.
He has much power to disrupt - and he used much of it not to pursue solutions that risk sowing more chaos and mayhem, courses of actions according to thinking that in the first place gave rise to these ugly realities that disproportionately impact those who already feel powerless about their dire plight - but to pursue a non-traditional path with greater chances to lead to relative lasting peace in parts of the Middle East.
We give our salute to President Obama, a man we already deeply admire even during his days as a humble but very promising Senator from Illinois. Someone we already trusted way back then. Someone the world can and should trust. Someone even rogue leaders somehow respect and trust.
Sometimes, our thoughts and ideas, like in the reasons why we choose President Obama as our first D1sruptr Hero, say, over Zuckerberg (, or the Gates couple (for large donations to efforts to help save millions of lives lost every decade due to Malaria) or many others arguably worth it too - are to us given our present plight, too laborious to organize and type for posting. So what we write about our D1sruptr heroes aren't sufficient enough to have merited our personal awards bestowed, we have had many more considerations and our heroes have achieved so much more for us to exhaustively write it all for each.
Decisions of top officials of any country, even Zimbabwe, can have major regional or global consequences. Decisions of the top leaders of major countries even more so. A decision of the most powerful man in the known universe, that President Obama is, can actually redefine the present and future realities we live in.
In the instance of the recent Nuclear Deal with Iran, President Obama, Secretary Kerry and other major global leaders, we think, were right to pursue the last option or alternative other than a full scale war to tame Iran, and its toxic distrust of the west too, into realizing the best interests of its people are synonymous with the rest of the populations of the Middle East. President Obama, without being extra-ordinary strong-willed, would have let a fleeting opportunity “slip by,” maybe forever.
We don’t believe in absolute pacifism. A leader can embrace the spirit of pacifism but also at the same time recognize the need to be a realist. President Obama made it clear that should Iran simply pocket the concessions made by the US and other major powers of the world, all other options are open to the international community and the US to fall back in and employ. He knows it’s within the US capability to enforce the terms of the contract with Iran.
Iran’s officials know it’s just endowed with a golden bridge to a better path to help its people, the millions of peace-loving Iranians who need help to rise to greater standards of living and prosperity that they desire more than anything else, partly held back by the present standing of Iran in the international community of nations because of its suspected efforts to rush to build nuclear weapons.
The millions of Israeli families can soar to even greater heights, without losing sleep as to thoughts of their country falling into a war that might be inevitable.

War came closest to the United States during World War II in Hawaii, when Japan stealthily attacked the Pearl Harbor. A threat so grave and so close manifested in the Soviet’s attempts to position ICBMs in Cuba in the time of President Kennedy. Of course millions of American soldiers have been in violent conflicts and wars outside of the US soil more than the soldiers of any other country. What we mean here is that aversion to war in general, unless inevitable, is not, perhaps, as ingrained in the psyches of the mainstream Americans as with most Europeans and Japanese.
But for President Obama, once a community organizer who have witnessed firsthand the lives of the simple and even poor American families in Chicago, decisions can’t exclude into consideration the many millions of ordinary citizens of the countries in the Middle East, Israel and Iran included, who want only 1 thing now – relative peace and absence of an imminent or surprise dangers to their lives already burdened with so many challenges (economic & all).

We call on our own public officials not to engage in double-speak. Those who want the Peace Agreement between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front to fail, to judge with their hearts an issue that conflicting interpretations of the Constitution and the laws will get lost in endless debates on the technicalities on its terms. Many major officials fan the flames of the "Imperial Manila" as being indifferent to the plight of the Muslims in southern Philippines, but in fact they avoid the issue of severe corruption among most local officials that perpetuate whatever present major problems that we have.

We are restrained, really as always. The biggest of criminals in our severely corrupt society are free, fearless, most still enjoying impunity, and with assassins-on-call. Consider us to have a limited freedom of speech here. And that brings about crazy or sometimes incomprehensible pronouncements from us. They can operate below radar and have at their command rogue operatives of the government.

(The following phot-graphic pieces, irrelevant to this article) were posted in our Facebook accounts. We detected early that the successful operations to capture (but that that led to his killing) one of the world's most wanted alleged terrorists, Zulifikli bin Hir alias "Marwan", but which also tragically resulted to the deaths of dozens of police special forces and more than a dozen from among a group of Muslim rebels in ceasefire and peace agreement with the government in southern Philippines was to be exploited to cause the ouster of President Aquino.)

Ernest Barraquias Jr
Rian Igos

Rian and I once ran away from an incident of shooting, murder in the very heart of an urban area not alien to frequent widespread violence. Though we were so shocked to see a bloodied dead body, we noticed many others also so shocked or in a state of greater fear than us. Yet these people live in this place, one of the most violent places in the Philippines. 

I don’t think having seen so many dead bodies have ever totally desensitized majority of them to a sight of a bloodied murdered body. Imagine the number of people getting killed in the mayhem and chaos in the Middle East – imagine the number of children, mothers, young people, infants even, losing their chance to live productively in this world.

They wanted to use the successful mission to capture a suspected top terrorist  VS peace, President Aquino & the US
An Iran-Israeli war will have consequences far greater than the wars and strife in the ISIL-Syria-Iraq-Yemen areas, and unrest in other parts of the Middle East right now.
Military strikes, military actions, war even, can be justifiable in the face of situations that can hardly be addressed with any more forms of strong diplomacy, or with any peaceful means of conflict resolution or stoppage to a genocide (for example) already exhausted but to no minimum desired outcome realized – and the status quo otherwise unacceptable to a nation or community of nations consensually considered aggrieved.

Some Catholic bishops against the Artificial Birth-Control bill, now a law, wanted Aquino ousted by any means
The Philippines has one of the world's highest number of mass revolutions & coup attempts in the last 30 years

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