Saturday, July 4, 2015

The New AIIB: To Help Advance China's Political Interests Too?

"The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see" - Ayn Rand
"That's why we fight, in hopes of a day when we no longer need to" - President Obama
(Texts here are the texts in the draft photo-graphic)

(This is still a draft - the photo-graphic is to be edited)

We strongly oppose the idea of the Philippines joining institutions mainly bankrolled & controlled by China, until China develops a good number of strong independent institutions, likely decades (or a revolution) away. Yes we can indulge, as ever, in the generosity of Japan, the US & other major capable nations sure to increase their development, economic assistances & aids to the country. It's impossible to dis-entangle China's soft advancements of its political & military interests from AIIB, we think so.

Previous entries (this blog)

Interception of Bulk Data: "I'm An American & I  Trust My Gov't More Than I Trust Terror (& Crime) Groups & Leaders of Hostile Nations Who Can Gain Access Even to My Bedroom Secrets"

It Took A Revolution for Our First Lady President to Emerge (& Another for the Next One) PLUS Other Lessons from An Unlikely Source of Some Unique Insights (the Philippine Elections)

>>> New blog: iKickPoverty


The circumstances that led to the rise of rebellions by the Filipino-Muslims & the Communist NPA lent some credence & justification for their armed struggles. But the present realities, & what became of these groups, we think, compel their organized violent struggles be stopped & alternatives be actively sought, employed. //Even China's leader Xi prioritizes the fight versus corruption

Photo is on the next post